2021 AIATSIS Summit
In 2021 the National Indigenous Research Conference and the AIATSIS National Native Title Conference will be held together for the first time. Over five days, the summit will provide a fantastic opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy makers, academics and leaders to come together to discuss emerging challenges. Registrations are now open for this unique event. Go to: https://aiatsis.gov.au/2021-summit for more information.

Encounters 2021 South West Heritage Conference
Jointly presented by the Heritage Council of WA and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, this year’s conference will have the theme of ‘Encounters’. The conference will showcase hands-on workshops on heritage conservation, practical advice sessions and information on heritage assessment processes. Registrations will open in March. For more information head to: https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/2020-south-west-heritage-conference
2021 Australian Heritage Festival: 16 April – 19 May 2021
The annual Heritage Festival is a national program of events which celebrates cultural, natural and built heritage. This year’s festival will have the theme of ‘Our Heritage for the Future’. Event organisers can now register their walks, talks, tours, exhibitions and open days through the National Trust website. https://www.nationaltrust.org.au/ahf/
Spirit of Trails Conference
Registrations open 12 February for the Collie Spirit of Trails Conference, 2021. Come and learn from international and local experts on the unique opportunity that trail tourism brings. The event includes a guided pre- and post-conference tour celebrating the trails of the Collie area. For more information and to register, visit www.facet.asn.au

Open the Doors: Museum and Collections Workshop
This workshop is aimed at people volunteering and working in the area of cultural and creative collecting with a focus on industry standards for collections management and digitisation. Anyone looking for more information, or to book a place can head to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/open-the-doors-museum-and-collections-workshop-northam-tickets-138730898853

Accredited Oral History Training
Gain a nationally recognised certification in Oral History from Oral History WA. Hear about correct use of recording equipment, learn about cultural protocols and how to get the best stories from relatives, friends and interviewees. Go to: https://oralhistoryaustralia.org.au/ for more information on the course including costs and inclusions.
Past tense: History: What is it good for? (online)
12 September 2020, 5pm-6:30pm AEST
Join Megan Davis, Tony Birch, Lucy Treloar, Chris Flynn and James Dunk responding to the NSW History Week theme: “History: What is it good for?”. Host:Clare Wright
2020 Annual General Meeting
Great Southern Room, 4th Floor, State Library of WA
Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre
Wednesday 9 September 2020, 5.30 pm
Collections WA Training Opportunity
A few months ago the Collections WA website was launched. If you are interested in learning how to use Collections WA to upload your organisation’s collection, Australian Museums and Galleries Association Western Australia (AMaGA Western Australia) in partnership with the City of Wanneroo are running a training workshop on 3rd September.
PHA 2020 Conference: “History Transmitted – Connect – Consider – Challenge"
Professional Historians Association (Qld) Inc. is hosting this year’s Professional Historians Association national conference. The 2020 conference theme is History Transmitted: connect – consider – challenge.
Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, South West Heritage Conference: Encounters, Busselton
The 2020 South West Heritage Conference provides an opportunity for professional and business development, alongside extensive networking opportunities for private owners of heritage places, those currently working within government, the heritage sector, academia, small museums or galleries or heritage tourism and interpretation
AMaGA National Conference – Creating the Future: Trust. Diversity. Imagination. 18th – 21st May, Canberra
Registrations are open for the 2020 Australian Museums and Galleries Association’s National Conference to be held at the National Convention Centre in Canberra from 18th -21st May 2020.
Australian Heritage Festival 2020 – “Our heritage for the future”
For all the details go to the following website www.australianheritagefestival.org.au
Future Forum 2020: “Visions for the Future of Aboriginal Heritage in Western Australia”
The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. (AACAI), the Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) and Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) will host this one day symposium referred to as Future Forum 2020.
The 2020 Tom Stannage Memorial Lecture: White Australia has a Black History” by Professor John Maynard
This year’s Tom Stannage Memorial Lecture will be presented by Professor John Maynard, Chair of Aboriginal History, University of Newcastle and Director, Purai Global Indigenous History Centre.

Christmas Sundowner
Christmas Sundowner - History Council of WA and Professional Historians Association
National Hotel, cnr of High and Market Streets Fremantle
5.30pm 5th December 2019

Historians and Truth Telling Symposium
Sunday 10 November, 2:00-5pm
State Library WA Theatre | free
History Council Ideas Forum
Sunday 13 October | 2:00-5pm
49 Broadway, Nedlands WA 6009

Activism, Struggle and Labour History — deadline for abstracts 31 May 2019
The Australian Society for the Study of Labour History was founded in 1961 to study “the working class situation … and social history in the fullest sense”. The Society aims not only to encourage teaching and research in labour history, but also the preservation of the records of working people and the labour movement. It desires to make history a vital part of popular consciousness and a matter for reflection and debate.
Activism, Struggle and Labour History
The 16th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History will be held
in the Perth Trades Hall building (now CFMEU Offices) 80 Beaufort Street, Perth, WA.
3-5 October, 2019
Australian Women’s History Network 2019 Symposium
This year’s symposium, “The Female Frame: Biopolitics and Wellbeing in Australian and Global Perspective”, will be held in Perth and features keynote presentations from Professor Tanya Fitzgerald and Professor Ann Curthoys. The call for papers is open until 1 June 2019. For further information about the symposium and abstract submission head here: http://www.auswhn.org.au/awhn-conference/
‘The Female Frame: Biopolitics and Wellbeing in Australian and Global Perspective’ Australian Women’s History Network Symposium 2019
2 October 2019 | 9am-5pm
The University Club, UWA | registration: http://www.auswhn.org.au/awhn-conference/
Webinar: Ask a Family History Librarian
Learn how our Family History team has solved mysteries sent to us by inquisitive genealogists from around the world.
Online | free
Book online for Ask a Family History Librarian webinar: https://www.nla.gov.au/event/ask-a-family-history-librarian-webinar
History Council Annual General Meeting Address: Bill Bunbury OAM and launch of Value of History Statement
Thursday, 22 August 2019 | 5:30-7pm
Gt Southern Room State Library WA | free
Webinar: Newspapers for Family History
Do you need to look at newspapers that are not in Trove? Discover even more Australian and overseas newspapers online using the National Library of Australia’s eResources.
Book online for Newspapers for Family History webinar (https://www.nla.gov.au/event/eresources-newspapers-for-family-history-webinar)

Monarchy in the Age of Empire, 1793-1914, Flinders University
Recent rewritings of the global history of imperialism have pointed to important expressions of local and indigenous agency that survived beneath and alongside the structures of empire. Microhistories and global histories alike have revised the earlier, static understanding of monolithic metropolitan power and have pointed to lively contests for local and regional power.
Burrup/Murujuga Tour - Friends of Australian Rock Art
FARA will conduct their annual tour from Saturday 20th to Sunday 28th July 2019. FARA has been offering its annual Burrup Murujuga Rock Art Tour for ten years, giving people from all over Australia and beyond a chance to experience the unique heritage offered by his extraordinary country. For more information head here: https://www.fara.com.au/burrup-murujuga-tour/
Local Communities, Global Networks’: Australian Historical Association 2019 Conference
How have the local and the global intersected, inspired and transformed experiences within and from Australia’s history? How do the histories of Indigenous, imperial, migrant and the myriad of other communities and networks inform, contest and shape knowledge about Australia today?