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Radical Perth Militant Fremantle by Charlie Fox, Bobbie Oliver & Lenore Layman (eds)

  • State Library 25 Francis Street Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)

Join historians Charlie Fox and Bobbie Oliver as they chart Perth and Fremantle's unknown yet radical pasts. State Library of WA 5:00-6:30pm.

Hear fascinating stories of radical moments in the cities' past. From the 1890s and as recent as Occupy: ‘Bloody Sunday’ on Fremantle Wharf, the Chinese community's fight for survival, Perth's Red Dean and his rock masses, bodgies and widgies at Scarborough's Snake Pit, women's apron parades in the 1950s, Fremantle's Rajneeshees, the Point Peron Women's Peace Camp and many more.