Members and friends of the History Council of WA are welcome to attend ASA’s ice-breaker event for 2019 with Duncan Ord on 14 March 2019 4:30-6:30pm. He will update us on the state government’s digital information management infrastructure strategies, including the State’s digital information transition plans, the management of ‘born digital records’, and digital archives initiatives.
Duncan Ord is the Director General of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. Duncan has worked in Government in areas of culture and arts, education, training, planning and Aboriginal Affairs. Previous roles in private industry include Dean of the School of Performing Arts (WAAPA) and General Manager of the WA Theatre Company and B lack Swan Theatre. Duncan has been chair of the arts, sports and recreation industry training council, member of boards and committees of the Australia Council and a consultant to local Government on arts infrastructure projects. In 2013 Duncan was the recipient of an Order of Australia Medal and is also a past winner of the Churchill Fellowship.
Venue: Curtin University, Room TBA. Free parking from 4:30pm
RSVP: Please register via the ASA’s website to help with planning for this event by 7 March 2019.
Cost: $5 for ASA members, $10 for all others to cover light refreshment costs.