Inaugural History Awards Announced
The History Council’s 2021 AGM was held in the Great Southern Room of the State Library on 27 October. The most exciting aspect of the evening was the bestowing of the History Council’s inaugural awards which recognise significant contributions to history by individuals or groups.
At the annual elections, Deborah Gare, Bruce Baskerville and Lucy Hair were returned to the respective offices of President, Vice President and Secretary. Our new Treasurer is Lorraine Clarke. Members who are retiring from the Council are: Nick Drew (treasurer) Pam Harris, Vanessa Kirkham and Geoff Moor. We welcome new members: Annemarie McLaren, Michael Nind, Paul Arthur, Rita Tognini, Sue Lefroy and Susanna Iuliano.
This year marks the commencement of the History Council’s Awards in recognition of individuals and organisations who have made outstanding contributions either in advocating for or furthering understanding of Western Australian history. At this inaugural ceremony, past President Jenny Gregory presented awards to: Associate Professor Lenore Layman for an outstanding and enduring contribution to understanding, impact and advocacy in Western Australian history; Lakelands Senior High School for a significant contribution to understandings of Indigenous history in Western Australia; the Bridgetown Historical Society for a significant contribution to the understandings of local history in Western Australia; the History Teachers’ Association of WA for a significant contribution to the teaching of Western Australian history; Rebecca Pepper for an innovative project by an emerging historian and Caroline Ingram for an innovative contribution to understandings of Western Australian history, or its advocacy, by a student. A special award was made to Western Australian Museum Boola Bardip for its outstanding contributions to social, cultural, political, indigenous and other histories of Western Australia.
The Winners of the History Council’s Inaugural History Awards, 2021 (L to R)
Back: Peter Hall (Bridgetown Historical Society); Carolyn Ingram; Professor Jane Lydon (on behalf of her Ph.D. student Rebecca Pepper); Cathy Baron (Lakelands Senior High School and History Teachers Association of WA). Front: Associate Professor Lenore Layman; Diana Jones (Boola Bardip); and Rosinda Seara (History Teachers Association of WA).