Historians and Truth Telling symposium

On Sunday 10th November 2019 the History Council of WA and Reconciliation WA hosted a Truth Telling Symposium at the State Library of Western Australia with the generous support of BHP and Herbert Smith Freehills. Alan Carter from Reconciliation WA opened the event, followed by a Welcome to Country from Sandra Harben. David Collard gave his perspective on the Uluru Meeting, followed by thoughtful and powerful meditations from Ann Curthoys and John Maynard on historians and Truth Telling before Uluru. After the delicious afternoon tea an amazing panel paved a way for Truth Telling now: Elfie Shiosaki; Ezra Jacobs Smith; Aileen Marwung Walsh; Chris Owen. All four wove their personal into the political and described how activism charged their work. The afternoon closed with Kim Scott and Fred Chaney AO reflecting on lives lived Truth Telling.

The History Council of WA sincerely thanks Cindy Solonec for her energy, organisation, on-going commitment and support for the symposium. We also thank Jenny Gregory and Reconciliation WA for their outstanding contributions. Many thanks also all volunteers and donors. A detailed coverage of the event can be found on the History Council of WA website (https://www.historycouncilwa.org.au/historians-truth-telling)
