Frank Hurley, NLA, obj-157579632
Welcome to
History Council of Western Australia
The peak body representing history in Western Australia, the Council pledges to advance the practice and place of history at all levels and in all settings and to advocate historical interests on behalf of the whole community.
Formed in 2003 the History Council of Western Australia is an association dedicated to promoting the study, preservation and use of history in Western Australia. Members include local, family and labour history societies, Aboriginal organisations, migrant history associations, professional bodies, museums, libraries and archives, heritage organisations, and universities, as well as other organisations where historical work is undertaken.
The History Council of Western Australia provides a voice for history by promoting the study, preservation and use of history in Western Australia. Acting as a peak body, the History Council responds to the history interests of the broader community, speaking and acting authoritatively on its behalf.
Interested in what we are doing?
Our membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June.
We encourage both individuals and organisations involved in history to join us.
Our members received regular email news updates, a quarterly newsletter and a choice of events throughout the year.
Your contribution is used to help us provide a voice for history.